Joined: 26 Jan 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:16 pm Post subject: Problem when search using Unicode ABC Bar String |
Just feel happy when using your program. So good, from T9 search to Caller ID. I'm a Vietnamese so all my contacts are in Vietnamese.
So, in order to search them, I changed Format String in ABC Bar (like that "ABC/AÀẢÃÁẠĂẰẲẴẮẶÂẦẨẪẤẬBC DEF/DÐEÈẺẼÉẸÊỀỂỄẾỆF GHI/GHIÌỈĨÍỊ JKL/JKL MNO/MNOÒỎÕÓỌÔỒỔỖỐỘƠỜỞỠỚỢ PQRS/PQRS TUV/TUÙỦŨÚỤƯỪỬỮỨỰV WXYZ/WXYỲỶỸÝỴZ"). All the characters work fine, except for the character "Đ".
So, I wonder is there a conflict between the character "Đ" and the working of Inesoft Address Book.
Hope to see your reply.
PS: Sorry for my bad English. |